Funko Peter Pan figurine checklist

Funko Peter Pan Checklist

Manufacturer Archive: Funko

Tag Archive: Disney, Peter Pan

Category Archive: Figurine Checklists


This checklist compiles all of the Funko Peter Pan figures through their many collections and brandings.

This checklist is divided by any Funko brand that contains a Peter Pan figure. Sometimes, within a brand, there will be other franchises listed on the front of the box. When this is the case, those franchises are separated as subsections of the main brand. If there are no subsections, assume that the branding is the same throughout the list.

The following Funko brands include Peter Pan figurines. You may scroll through the list or jump to a preferred brand by selecting it below. Clicking a link within this checklist will direct you to an affiliate retailer or to relevant eBay listings.

Funko Pop Disney

Master List – Funko Pop Disney


10Tinker Bell
10Tinker BellDiamondHot Topic
25Peter Pan
26Captain Hook
279Peter PanHot Topic
295Tinker Bell

Disney 100

1331Tinker Bell in Lantern
1334Tinker BellFunko Shop

Disney Classics

1198Tinker BellHot Topic
1198Tinker BellChaseHot Topic
ComboPeter Pan
Peter Pan’s Shadow
Hot Topic

Disney Villains

1081Captain Hook

Disneyland 65th Anniversary

815Peter Pan
816Captain Hook

Peter Pan

456Hook and Tick-TockHot Topic
1143Tinker BellBoxLunch
1344Peter Pan w/ Flute
1347Tinker Bell
1348Captain hook

Funko Pop Funko

Master List – Funko Pop Funko

SEFreddy Funko as Peter Pan4,500Arena Freddy

Funko Pop Movie Posters

Master List – Funko Pop Movie Posters

Disney 100

16Peter Pan and Tinker Bell

Funko Pop Rides

Master List – Funko Pop Rides

Disneyland 65th

94Peter Pan at the Peter Pan’s Flight Attraction

Walt Disneyworld 50th

109Captain Hook at the Peter Pan’s Flight Attraction

Funko Pop Town

Master List – Funko Pop Town

Disney Classics

32Smee with Skull RockLEFall Convention 2022

Funko Rock Candy

Master List – Funko Rock Candy

Tinker Bell
Tinker BellDiamond

Funko Rewind

Master List – Funko Rewind

Peter Pan
Peter PanShadowChase

Funko Soda

Master List – Funko Soda

Captain Hook10,000
Captain Hookw/ Watch2,000
Peter Pan10,000
Peter PanShadow2,000
Smeew/ Shaving Cream2,000
Tick Tock10,000
Tick TockGlowing2,000
Tinker Bell10,000
Tinker BellRed Glow2,000