Funko Harley Quinn figurine checklist

Funko Harley Quinn Checklist

Manufacturer Archive: Funko

Tag Archive: DC Comics, Harley Quinn

Category Archive: Figurine Checklists


This checklist compiles all of the Funko Harley Quinn figures through their many collections and brandings.

This checklist is divided by any Funko brand that contains a Harley Quinn figure. Sometimes, within a brand, there will be other franchises listed on the front of the box. When this is the case, those franchises are separated as subsections of the main brand. If there are no subsections, assume that the branding is the same throughout the list.

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The following Funko brands include Harley Quinn figurines. You may scroll through the list or jump to a preferred brand by selecting it below. Clicking a link within this checklist will direct you to an affiliate retailer or to relevant eBay listings.

Funko Pop Comic Covers

Master List – Funko Pop Comic Covers

15Harleen Quinzel

Funko Pop Heroes

Master List – Funko Pop Heroes

Batman the Animated Series

156Harley Quinn
371Harley QuinnBlack LightHot Topic

Birds of Prey

302Harley Quinn Caution Tape
302Harley Quinn Caution Tapew/Collectible CardEntertainment Earth
303Harley Quinn Black Mask Club
303Harley Quinn Black Mask Clubw/Collectible CardEntertainment Earth
307Harley Quinn Roller Derby
307Harley Quinn Roller Derbyw/ Collectible CardEntertainment Earth
308Harley Quinn and Beaver
308Harley Quinn and Beaverw/Collectible CardEntertainment Earth
309Harley Quinn Boobytrap BattleHot Topic
310Harley Quinn Broken HeartedBoxLunch
311Harley Quinn IncognitoSpecialty Series


166Harley Quinn
166Harley QuinnVintageThinkGeek
166Harley QuinnChristmas ColorsGeek Box
166Harley QuinnPops w/ Purpose

DC Comics

34Harley Quinn
34Harley QuinnB&WHarrison’s Comics
34Harley QuinnGITDPX Previews
34Harley QuinnMetallicConquest Comics
45Harley Quinn
376Harley Quinn
376Harley QuinnBlack LightLESummer Convention 2022

DC Super Heroes

45Harley QuinnB&WHot Topic
45Harley QuinnPink HeartsHot Topic
45Harley QuinnPink Hearts DiamondHot Topic
45Harley QuinnSilver144Hot Topic Employee Reward
66Harley Quinn (Roller Derby)Hot Topic
121Harley QuinnHot Topic
124Harley Quinn Imposter
233Harley Quinn (Skullbags)Hot Topic
279Harley Quinn w/ Boom BoxPX Previews
290Harley Quinn as RobinHot Topic
299Harley Quinn (Holiday)Hot Topic
301Harley Quinn (Suicide Squad)GameStop
335Harley Quinn Mad LoveHot Topic
357Harley Quinn w/ Helper
413Harley Quinn (Dia de los Muertos)
436Harley Quinn w/ BeltPX Previews
ComboJoker & Harley Quinn (Beach)Hot Topic
ComboSuperman in Holiday Sweater
Batman as Scrooge
Joker as Santa
Harley Quinn w/ Helper
Special Edition

Harley Quinn (Series)

450Harley Quinn on Apokolips
451Harley Quinn w/ Bat
452Harley Quinn w/ Pizza
453Harley Quinn w/ Weapons
494Harley Quinn
495Poison Ivy
496The Joker
497Frank the Plant
498Doctor Psycho

Harley Quinn 30

454Harley Quinn w/ CardsGameStop

Suicide Squad

97Harley Quinn
105Harley Quinn (HQ Inmate)GameStop
108Harley Quinn (Gown)Hot Topic
135Dr. HarleenWalmart
ComboJoker and Harley QuinnMetallicFYE

Warner BrotherS 100

483Harley QuinnLEFall Convention 2023

Funko Pop Movies

Master List – Funko Pop Movies

The Suicide Squad

1108Harley Quinn
1111Harley Quinn
1111Harley QuinnDiamondTarget
1116Harley QuinnAmazon

Funko 5 Star

Master List – Funko 5 Star

Harley Quinn
Harley QuinnPinkNYCC18

Funko Dorbz

Master List – Funko Dorbz


29Harley Quinn

DC Bombshells

413Harley Quinn

Suicide Squad

163Harley Quinn
163Harley QuinnMalletNYCC16

Funko Rock Candy

Master List – Funko Rock Candy

DC Bombshells

Harley Quinn

Harley Quinn

Harley QuinnClassic
Harley QuinnHoliday ColorsHot Topic
Harley QuinnB&WWalmart
Harley QuinnPinkTarget
Harley QuinnNew 52SDCC16

Suicide Squad

Harley Quinn

Super Hero Girls

Harley Quinn

Funko Soda

Master List – Funko Soda

Harley Quinn (Black Can)10,000Summer Convention 2021
Harley Quinn (Black Can)Metallic2,000Summer Convention 2021
Harley Quinn (Red Can)10,000
Harley Quinn (Red Can)Metallic2,000

Funko Vynl

Master List – Funko Vynl


Character 1Character 2VariantLEExclusive
Harley QuinnJoker

Suicide Squad

Character 1Character 2VariantLEExclusive
JokerHarley Quinn

Funko Wacky Wobbler

Master List – Funko Wacky Wobbler

Harley Quinn (Animated Series)
Harley Quinn (Suicide Squad)
Funko Joker figurine checklist
The Joker
Funko Suicide Squad figurine checklist
Suicide Squad