Funko Doctor Who figurine checklist

Funko Doctor Who Checklist

Manufacturer Archive: Funko

Tag Archive: Doctor Who

Category Archive: Figurine Checklists


This checklist compiles all of the Funko Doctor Who figures through their many collections and brandings.

This checklist is divided by any Funko brand that contains a Doctor Who figure. Sometimes, within a brand, there will be other franchises listed on the front of the box. When this is the case, those franchises are separated as subsections of the main brand. If there are no subsections, assume that the branding is the same throughout the list.

The following Funko brands include Doctor Who figurines. You may scroll through the list or jump to a preferred brand by selecting it below. Clicking a link within this checklist will direct you to an affiliate retailer or to relevant eBay listings.

Funko Pop Funko

Master List – Funko Pop Funko

45Freddy Funko as Fourth Doctor333SDCC16

Funko Pop Television

Master List – Funko Pop Television

219Twelfth Doctor
220Eleventh Doctor
221Tenth Doctor
222Fourth Doctor
226Weeping Angel
227Materialising TARDIS
232Fourth DoctorJelly BelliesBarnes and Noble
233Tenth Doctor3D GlassesHot Topic
234Tenth DoctorSpacesuit2000NYCC15
235Eleventh DoctorHandlesNYCC15
235Eleventh Doctorw/ Cyberman HeadSDCC15/Hot Topic
236Eleventh DoctorFezHot Topic
237Eleventh DoctorSpacesuit3000BGV Toys
238Twelfth DoctorSpoonHot Topic
239Twelfth DoctorSpacesuitSDCC15
240AdiposeGITDHot Topic
259Dalek SecBarnes and Noble
275Evolving DalekGameStop
294Ninth Doctor
295Rose TylerHot Topic
296River Song
297Jack Harkness
298Sarah Jane
299The SilenceHot Topic
301Ninth Doctor w/ bananaHot Topic
302Jack Harkness (Vortex Manipulator)FYE
319Tenth DoctorRegeneration, GITDThink Geek/GameStop
355Tenth Doctor w/ Hand
356Eleventh Doctor / Mr. Clever
357Twelfth Doctor w/ Guitar
358War Doctor
483RoryCenturionHot Topic
496ClaraSDCC17/Hot Topic
508First DoctorLENYCC17
600Amy PondLEECCC18/Hot Topic
619Thirteenth Doctor1300SDCC18
686Thirteenth DoctorNo Jacket
709Vashta NeradaGITDNYCC18/Hot Topic
831PtingSDCC19/Barnes & Noble
893Tzim-ShaNYCC19/Hot Topic
899Thirteenth Doctorw/ Goggles
900Kerblam Man
901Reconnaissance Dalek

Funko Rock Candy

Master List – Funko Rock Candy

Amy PondCanadian Convention 2018
Thirteenth Doctor