Funko Looney Tunes figurine checklist

Funko Looney Tunes Checklist

Manufacturer Archive: Funko

Tag Archive: Looney Tunes

Category Archive: Figurine Checklists


This checklist compiles all of the Funko Looney Tunes figures through their many collections and brandings.

This checklist is divided by any Funko brand that contains a Looney Tunes figure. Sometimes, within a brand, there will be other franchises listed on the front of the box. When this is the case, those franchises are separated as subsections of the main brand. If there are no subsections, assume that the branding is the same throughout the list.

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The following Funko brands include Looney Tunes figurines. You may scroll through the list or jump to a preferred brand by selecting it below. Clicking a link within this checklist will direct you to an affiliate retailer or to relevant eBay listings.

Funko Pop Animation

Master List – Funko Pop Animation

Bugs’ 80th

837Bugs Bunny (King)MetallicTarget
840Bugs Bunny (In Fruit Hat)
840Bugs Bunny (In Fruit Hat)DiamondBoxLunch
841Bugs Bunny (Show Outfit)

Looney Tunes

207Michigan J. FrogECCC17
255Daffy Duck2000SDCC17
261Pete Puma1000SDCC17
263GossamerSpecialty Series
263GossamerFlocked3500Funko Shop
287Speedy Gonzales3500NYCC17
307Bugs Bunny
307Bugs BunnyFlockedTarget
308Daffy Duck
309Sylvester & Tweety
309Sylvester & TweetyFlockedTarget
310Elmer Fudd (Viking)
311Bugs Bunny (Opera)
326Gremlin3000Funko Shop
395Pepe Le PewSDCC18
396Playboy PenguinSDCC18
734Wile E. CoyoteLEFunko Shop
735Road RunnerLEFunko Shop
842Bugs Bunny as SupermanFYE
844Taz as The FlashFYE
866Wile E. Coyote as CyborgFYE
1209Yosemite Sam Black KnightLEFall Con 2022
1234TweetyLESummer Con 2023
1673Bugs Bunny (Ghost)
1674Marvin the Martian (Mummy)
1675Sylvester (Pumpkin)
1676Tweety (Witch)
ComboMr. Hyde and Bugs Bunny850Toy Tokyo, SDCC17

Warner Brothers 100th Anniversary

1239Bugs Bunny as Fred Jones
1240Daffy Duck as Shaggy Rogers
1241Lola Bunny as Daphne Blake
1242Taz as Scooby-Doo
1243Tweety Bird as Velma Dinkley
1259Bugs Bunny as Fred FlintstoneLESummer Con 2023
1334Bugs Bunny GryffindorLEFall Con 2023
1335Lola Bunny RavenclawLEFall Con 2023
1336Sylvester Cat SlytherinLEFall Con 2023
1337Porky Pig HufflepuffLEFall Con 2023
1450Bugs Bunny as Buddy the Elf

Funko Pop Art Series

Master List – Funko Pop Art Series

13Bugs BunnyFunko Shop

Funko Pop Digital

Master List – Funko Pop Digital

94Foghorn Leghorn1,635NFT Redemption
95Yosemite Sam1,635NFT Redemption
96Road Runner1,635NFT Redemption
97Wile E. Coyote999NFT Redemption
98Freddy Funko as Bugs Bunny3,000NFT Redemption
194Road Runner as The Flash1,300NFT Redemption
195Lola Bunny as Jane Jetson1,300NFT Redemption
196Bugs Bunny as Morpheus1,300NFT Redemption
197Porky Pig as Robin1,300NFT Redemption
198Wile E. Coyote as Batman999NFT Redemption
199Daffy Duck as Pennywise1,900NFT Redemption

Space Jam

257Bugs Bunny2,000NFT Redemption
258Lola Bunny2,000NFT Redemption
259M2 (Purple Monstar)2,000NFT Redemption
260Daffy Duck2,000NFT Redemption
261Swackhammer w/ Nerdlucks999NFT Redemption
262Freddy Funko as Tune Squad Player2,300NFT Redemption

Funko Pop Movies

Master List – Funko Pop Movies

Space Jam

1059LeBron James
1060Bugs Bunny
1061Lola Bunny
1085Marvin the Martian
1087Sylvester & Tweety
1089White Mamba
1090LeBron James
1091LeBron JamesAmazon
1093Porky PigFunko Shop
1095LeBron JamesWalmart
1181The Brow
1183Bugs Bunny
1184Al G. Rhythm w/ Pete
1185LeBron JamesFunko Shop
ComboBugs Bunny & LeBron JamesTarget

Funko Pop Rides

Master List – Funko Pop Rides

296Mystery Machine w/ Bugs Bunny

Funko Dorbz

Master List – Funko Dorbz

305Bugs Bunny
305Bugs Bunnyw/ CarrotChase
306Elmer Fudd
307Daffy Duck
307Daffy DuckSupermanChase
308Pete Puma
453Bugs Bunny1,0002018 Spring Convention
454Elmer FuddViking1,000ECCC18
ComboBugs Bunny & Yosemite Sam2,700SDCC17

Funko Rewind

Master List – Funko Rewind

Warner Brothers 100th

Bugs Bunny (Space Jam)
Bugs Bunny (Space Jam)w/ Basketball
Duck DodgersLESummer Con 2023
Duck Dodgersw/o HoodChaseSummer Con 2023
Marvin the MartianLESummer Con 2023
Marvin the Martianw/ BlasterChaseSummer Con 2023

Funko Soda

Master List – Funko Soda

Bugs Bunny as Superman8,400Wondrous Con 2023
Bugs Bunny as SupermanFlocked1,600Wondrous Con 2023
Duck Dodgers6,700
Duck DodgersMetallic1,300
Space Cadet10,500
Space CadetDiamond Glitter1,250

Funko Wacky Wobbler

Master List – Funko Wacky Wobbler

Bugs BunnyDuck Season
Bugs BunnyHoliday
Daffy DuckRabbit Season
Daffy DuckHoliday
Elmer Fudd
Marvin the Martian
Porky Pig
Speedy Gonzalez
Wile E. Coyote Rocket Car
Yosemite Sam
Road Runner
Wile E. Coyote