Funko Black Adam figurine checklist

Funko Black Adam Checklist

Manufacturer Archive: Funko

Tag Archive: Black Adam, DC Comics

Category Archive: Figurine Checklists

This checklist compiles all of the Funko Black Adam figures through their many collections and brandings.

This checklist is divided by any Funko brand that contains a Black Adam figure. Sometimes, within a brand, there will be other franchises listed on the front of the box. When this is the case, those franchises are separated as subsections of the main brand. If there are no subsections, assume that the branding is the same throughout the list.

The following Funko brands include Black Adam figurines. You may scroll through the list or jump to a preferred brand by selecting it below. Clicking a link within this checklist will direct you to an affiliate retailer or to relevant eBay listings.

Funko Pop Comic Covers

Master List – Funko Pop Comic Covers

8Black Adam #1GITD

Funko Pop Heroes

Master List – Funko Pop Heroes

DC Super Heroes

348Black AdamGITDBig Apple Collectible Con
440Black AdamFunko Shop

Funko Pop Movies

Master List – Funko Pop Movies

1231Black Adam
1231Black AdamGITDAmazon
1232Black Adam
1232Black AdamGITDChase
1233Atom Smasher
1235Dr. Fate
1239Black Adam on Throne
1251Black AdamLEWinter Convention 2022

Funko Pop Rides

Master List – Funko Pop Rides

286Hawkman in Cruiser

Funko Soda

Master List – Funko Soda

Black Adam12,500
Black AdamBlue Glow2,500
Dr. Fate10,500
Dr. FateGlowing2,000
Hawkman10,900Winter Convention 2022
Hawkmanw/o Helmet2,100Winter Convention 2022