Funko Office Figurine Checklist

Funko Office Checklist

Manufacturer Archive: Funko

Tag Archive: The Office

Category Archive: Figurine Checklists


This checklist compiles all of the Funko Office figures through their many collections and brandings.

This checklist is divided by any Funko brand that contains an Office figure. Sometimes, within a brand, there will be other franchises listed on the front of the box. When this is the case, those franchises are separated as subsections of the main brand. If there are no subsections, assume that the branding is the same throughout the list.

The following Funko brands include The Office figurines. You may scroll through the list or jump to a preferred brand by selecting it below. Clicking a link within this checklist will direct you to an affiliate retailer or to relevant eBay listings.

Funko Pop Minis

Master List – Funko Pop Minis

19Michael Scott
20Oscar Martinez
21Dwight Schrute
22Dwight Schrute
23Kelly Kapoor
24Jim Halpert
26Pam Beesly
27Stanley Hudson
28Darryl Philbin

Funko Pop Television

Master List – Funko Pop Television

869Michael Scott
870Jim Halpert
870Jim HalpertFacebookChase
871Dwight Schrute
871Dwight SchruteBlondeTarget
872Pam Beesly
873Darryl Philbin
874Kevin Malone
875Prison MikeHot Topic
876Dwight Schrute (Hay King)Walmart
877Jim Halpert (Goldenface)Target
878Andy BernardTarget
879Jim Halpertas DwightBoxLunch
880Jim HalpertThree Hole PunchLEFunko Shop
882Dwight Schrute w/ Bobblehead
904Date MikeCalendar Club
905Dwight Schrute as Elf
906Michael Scott as Classy Santa
907Dwight Schrute as Belsnickel
927Dwight SchruteCPR Dummy MaskFYE
938Dwight Schrute as RecyclopsLEECCC20
972Stanley Hudsonw/ PretzelLEGameStop
1004Dwight SchruteJello Stapler
1005Michael Scott (Survivor)
1006Florida Stanley
1007Meredith PalmerCasual Friday
1008Kelly KapoorCasual Friday
1009Dwight Schrutew/ Princess UnicornFunko Shop
1010Dwight Schruteas Dark LordSpecialty Series
1015Dwight Schrute as RecyclopsLESDCC20
1024Angela MartinGameStop
1041Dwight Schrute as RecyclopsNYCC20
1044Michael Scott in Straight Jacket
1045Dwight Schrute as Scranton Strangler
1046Jim Halpert
1047Jan Levinson
1048Kevin Malone (Halpert Wedding)BoxLunch
1049Dwight Schrute as Pam BeeslyLEFunko Shop
1059Michael KlumpGameStop
1060Michael ScarnGo!
1061Andy Bernard (Sumo Suit)Target
1062Dundie AwardAmazon
1072Dwight Schrute (Kerrigan)ECCC21
1103Dwight Schrute Chalice Exclusive
1103Dwight SchruteChaseChalice Exclusive
1104Creed Bratton Specialty Series
1104Creed Bratton BloodyChase
1130Ryan HowardWalmart
1130Ryan HowardBlondeWalmart
1131Phyllis VanceWalmart
1132Oscar MartinezWalmart
1145Stanley Hudson (Samurai Warrior)FunKon21
1159Angela Martin (Fun Run)GameStop
1170Michael Scott (Burnt Foot)
1171Dwight (Pumpkinhead)
1172Pam Beesly (w/ Teapot)
1173Oscar w/ Scarecrow
1174Erin Hannon
1175Kevin as Dunder Mifflin Superhero
1176Young Michael ScottFunko Shop
1177Michael Scott (Willy Wonka)FYE
1178Dwight Schrute (Fire Drill)Target
1179Mose SchruteLEFall Convention 2021
1285Kelly KapoorLEFall Convention 2022
1306Michael as JesusFunko Shop
1393Fun Run Andy
1394Fun Run Dwight
1395Michael w/ Check
1396Fun Run MeredithSpecialty Series
ComboMichael Scott
Dwight Schrute
Jim Halpert
ComboToby vs. Michael

Funko Mini Moments

Master List – Funko Mini Moments

Darryl Philbin (Reception)
Darryl Philbin (Reception)BasketballChase
Dwight Schrute (Desk)
Dwight Schrute (Desk)DisguiseChase
Jim Halpert (Desk)
Jim Halpert (Desk)DisguiseChase
Michael Scott (Office)
Michael Scott (Office)DisguiseChase
Pam Beesly (Reception)
Pam Beesly (Reception)Dark SuitChase

Funko Soda

Master List – Funko Soda

Dwight Schrute10,500
Dwight SchrutePumpkin Head2,000
Dwight Schrute6,700International
Dwight SchrutePumpkin Head1,300International
Jim Halpert8,400
Jim HalpertThree-hole Punch1,600
Jim HalpertInternational
Jim HalpertThree-hole PunchInternational
Michael Scott10,500
Michael ScottPrison Mike2,000
Michael Scott6,700International
Michael ScottPrison Mike1,300International

Funko Hallmark Ornaments

Master List – Funko Hallmark Ornaments

Dwight SchruteWalmart
Michael ScottWalmart

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