1969 Primrose Chitty Chitty Bang Bang trading card checklist

1969 Primrose Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Checklist

Release Year Archive: 1969

Manufacturer Archive: Primrose

Tag Archive: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Category Archive: Non-Sports Card Checklists


Although it would have been a no-brainer to release this set with Toot Sweets, 1969 Primrose Chitty Chitty Bang Bang cards were released with candy cigarettes in the UK.

The checklist includes 50 tobacco style trading cards and despite being sequentially numbered, do not appear to be in any sort of chronological order at all. For example, card 50 is essentially the opening shot of the movie and Truly Scrumptious appears on card #2 well before scenes that happen prior to her introduction in the film.

This set is printed on thin paper as opposed to card stock and can be incredibly difficult to track down. That said, cards remain fairly affordable despite the scarcity.

This checklist includes the complete text from the reverse of the card because cards were not given separate titles. Clicking a link within this checklist will direct you to an affiliate retailer or to relevant eBay listings.

1969 Primrose Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Checklist

Base Set – 50 Cards

#Card Title
1Caractacus Potts, disguised as a life size puppet, entertains the guests at Baron Bomburst’s birthday party.
2Truly Scrumptious dances in her father’s sweet factory. All the workers in the factory join in the dance and even her father Lord Scrumptious takes part.
3Baron Bomburst returns home to his castle in Vulgaria after kidnapping Grandpa Potts. (What the Baron doesn’t know is that Grandpa Potts is not the inventor of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.)
4Caractacus Potts tries to sell his invention of Toot Sweets, the candy with the hole in the middle that whistles when blown through.
5Baron Bomburst with his cronies, in the cockpit of his lighter than air dirigible.
6The guests sitting with Baron Bomburst at his great birthday party. They don’t know that behind the scenes Caractacus is organising their downfall.
7The lighter than air dirigible that Baron Bomburst travels in from his country of Vulgaria.
8The care that the Baron wants Grandpa Potts to convert into another Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. However, Grandpa is no inventor and has no idea how to do this.
9Jeremy and Jemima the children of Caractacus Potts with some of the workers in Lord Scrumptious’ sweet factory.
10The terrible Childcatcher looking for Jeremy and Jemima in the toy shop in Vulgaria. The children and Caractacus and Truly are disguised as the toys.
11Caractacus disguised as a puppet dancing at the Baron’s birthday party while the children prepare to overthrow their cruel captors.
12The Baron welcoming Grandpa Potts to Vulgaria. He has mistaken Grandpa for Caractacus and thinks he has a great inventor in his hold.
13Truly Scrumptious, who has befriended the Potts family, dressed as a puppet singing at Baron Bomburst’s birthday party.
14The children of Vulgaria in the kitchen of Baron Bomburst’s castle. They are helping Caractacus Potts overthrow the Baron’s wicked hold on them.
15Baron Bomburst being hoisted to the ceiling by the children of Vulgaria at the start of their revolt against his rule.
16Caractacus and Truly pretending to be puppets made by the Toymaker of Vulgaria as a birthday present for the horrible Baron.
17The Baron in his castle with his fantastic moving wooden horse.
18Caractacus persuades the Baron to join in his dance.
19Caractacus Potts with his incredible invention which cooks sausage and egg and serves them automatically to Jeremy and Jemima.
20The dreaded Childcatcher shows the Baroness the captured Jeremy and Jemima. The Baroness hates all children and orders them into the royal dungeon.
21Caractacus with the outraged victim of his pedal driven automatic hair cutting machine.
22Caractacus dancing with a folk dancing group. He does so well that he receives enough money to buy Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
23The Potts family at tea before the start of their great adventure. Grandpa, Caractacus, and his two children, Jeremy and Jemima.
24The fantasmagorical Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and its brilliant inventor Caractacus Potts.
25Caractacus Potts ready to try out another of his hair brained inventions. He hopes to fly with the help of some rockets and wings.
26The terrible Baron Bomburst, on his private yacht, planning the capture of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
27Caractacus Potts with another of his inventions which plays bedtime music for Jeremy and Jemima.
28Truly Scrumptious and Caractacus Potts, disgused as puppets, entertaining the most evil man in the entire world — Baron Bomburst of Vulgaria.
29All the children of Vulgaria live hidden in a cavern so that the terrible Childcatcher will not find them. Caractacus and Truly promise them that soon they will be free from their plight.
30Chitty Chitty Bang Bang bursts into the courtyard of the castle to help the children defeat the Baron and his soldiers.
31Truly Scrumptious disguised as a Jack in the Box in the toy shop to escape from the Childcatcher and the Baron’s soldiers.
32The Childcatcher of Vulgaria trying to tempt the hidden children out into the town square.
33The children of Vulgaria interrupt the Baron’s birthday party and start their revolt agains[t] his wicked rule.
34Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in the garage repair shop before the Potts family rescue it and transform it into the most fantastic car in the world.
35Baron Bomburst going to see the Baroness on his incredible moving wooden horse.
36Caractacus Potts in the sweet factory of Lord Scrumptious when he is trying to raise the thirty shillings to buy Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
37The terrible Childcatcher of Vulgaria. His job is to capture all the children in the country and send them to Prison as the Baron and Baroness hate all children.
38The soldiers of Vulgaria who support the terrible Baron in his evil rule.
39Lord Scrumptious’ sweet factory is invaded by hundreds of dogs when Caractacus Potts Toot Sweets proved more popular to dogs than humans.
40Baron Bomburst’s private yacht in which he chases the Potts family and Truly Scrumptious in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
41Chitty Chitty Bang Bang has miraculously sprouted floats which enables her grateful inventor and Jeremy and Jemima to escape from Baron Bomburst.
42The castle of Vulgaria in which Baron Bomburst and his wife the Baroness live.
43Granpa Potts almost drowning when the Baron drops Grandpa and his privy into the sea.
44Caractacus Potts with his crazy invention for flying comes to the end of his journey.
45Chaos in the sweet factory when the dogs of the neighbourhood invade it.
46There is chaos in the kitchen of Baron Bomburst’s castle when the revolt against the Baron begins.
47The friendly toymaker of Vulgaria has invited Truly Scrumptious, Caractacus and Jeremy and Jemima into his shop to escape from the terrible Childcatcher.
48The lighter than air dirigible which is a flying machine that Baron Bomburst uses in his travels.
49Chitty Chitty Bang Bang flying over the waves to avoid capture by the terrible Baron.
50The beautiful windmill in England where the Potts family — Grandpa, Caractacus and the two children Jeremy and Jimima live. It is here that Caractacus invents his fantastic machines.
