Discovery is the seventh series in the Star Trek franchise and takes place a decade before the original series. This set includes production stills from each of the season’s 15 episodes as well as behind the scenes shots, character cards, and concept art. There is also a substantial list of autograph cards with varying scarcities. Some autographs are included as multi-case purchase incentives.
The Archive box contains all of the base and insert cards, all 12 relic cards, two case toppers, and 40 autographs including four exclusives.
Our checklist includes all of the cards in this series. Autograph cards are not numbered so we have added prefixes to our checklist to ease with searching and sorting.
Release date – 3/27/2019
Cards per pack – 5
Packs per box – 24
Boxes per case – 12
Behind the Scenes (BTS) – 18 Cards, 1:12
Character Cards (E) – 11 Cards, 1:24
Opening Sequence Artwork (O)– 9 Cards, 1:24
Mirror, Mirror (M) – 8 Cards, 1:288
Relic Cards (RC) – 12 Cards, 1:96
Bordered (BA) – 3 Cards
Full Bleed (FBA) – 33 Cards
Case Topper (CT) – 2 Cards
Dual Autographs (DA) – 4 Cards
Case Incentives (CIA) – 2 Cards
Promo Cards (P) – 4 Cards
- | # | Subject |
1 | The Vulcan Hello | |
2 | The Vulcan Hello | |
3 | The Vulcan Hello | |
4 | The Vulcan Hello | |
5 | The Vulcan Hello | |
6 | The Vulcan Hello | |
7 | Battle at the Binary Stars | |
8 | Battle at the Binary Stars | |
9 | Battle at the Binary Stars | |
10 | Battle at the Binary Stars | |
11 | Battle at the Binary Stars | |
12 | Battle at the Binary Stars | |
13 | Context is for Kings | |
14 | Context is for Kings | |
15 | Context is for Kings | |
16 | Context is for Kings | |
17 | Context is for Kings | |
18 | Context is for Kings | |
19 | The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry | |
20 | The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry | |
21 | The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry | |
22 | The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry | |
23 | The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry | |
24 | The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry | |
25 | Choose Your Pain | |
26 | Choose Your Pain | |
27 | Choose Your Pain | |
28 | Choose Your Pain | |
29 | Choose Your Pain | |
30 | Choose Your Pain | |
31 | Lethe | |
32 | Lethe | |
33 | Lethe | |
34 | Lethe | |
35 | Lethe | |
36 | Lethe | |
37 | Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad | |
38 | Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad | |
39 | Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad | |
40 | Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad | |
41 | Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad | |
42 | Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad | |
43 | Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum | |
44 | Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum | |
45 | Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum | |
46 | Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum | |
47 | Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum | |
48 | Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum | |
49 | Into the Forest I Go | |
50 | Into the Forest I Go | |
51 | Into the Forest I Go | |
52 | Into the Forest I Go | |
53 | Into the Forest I Go | |
54 | Into the Forest I Go | |
55 | Despite Yourself | |
56 | Despite Yourself | |
57 | Despite Yourself | |
58 | Despite Yourself | |
59 | Despite Yourself | |
60 | Despite Yourself | |
61 | The Wolf Inside | |
62 | The Wolf Inside | |
63 | The Wolf Inside | |
64 | The Wolf Inside | |
65 | The Wolf Inside | |
66 | The Wolf Inside | |
67 | Vaulting Ambition | |
68 | Vaulting Ambition | |
69 | Vaulting Ambition | |
70 | Vaulting Ambition | |
71 | Vaulting Ambition | |
72 | Vaulting Ambition | |
73 | What's Past is Prologue | |
74 | What's Past is Prologue | |
75 | What's Past is Prologue | |
76 | What's Past is Prologue | |
77 | What's Past is Prologue | |
78 | What's Past is Prologue | |
79 | The War Without, the War Within | |
80 | The War Without, the War Within | |
81 | The War Without, the War Within | |
82 | The War Without, the War Within | |
83 | The War Without, the War Within | |
84 | The War Without, the War Within | |
85 | Will You Take My Hand? | |
86 | Will You Take My Hand? | |
87 | Will You Take My Hand? | |
88 | Will You Take My Hand? | |
89 | Will You Take My Hand? | |
90 | Will You Take My Hand? | |
BTS01 | Star Trek Discovery | |
BTS02 | Star Trek Discovery | |
BTS03 | Star Trek Discovery | |
BTS04 | Star Trek Discovery | |
BTS05 | Star Trek Discovery | |
BTS06 | Star Trek Discovery | |
BTS07 | Star Trek Discovery | |
BTS08 | Star Trek Discovery | |
BTS09 | Star Trek Discovery | |
BTS10 | Star Trek Discovery | |
BTS11 | Star Trek Discovery | |
BTS12 | Star Trek Discovery | |
BTS13 | Star Trek Discovery | |
BTS14 | Star Trek Discovery | |
BTS15 | Star Trek Discovery | |
BTS16 | Star Trek Discovery | |
BTS17 | Star Trek Discovery | |
BTS18 | Star Trek Discovery | |
E01 | Michael Burnham | |
E02 | Philippa Georgiou | |
E03 | Lorca | |
E04 | Sylvia Tilly | |
E05 | Saru | |
E06 | Ash Tyler | |
E07 | Paul Stamets | |
E08 | Sarek | |
E09 | L'Rell | |
E10 | T'Kuvma | |
E11 | Voq | |
M1 | Burnham | |
M2 | Georgiou | |
M3 | Tilly | |
M4 | Stamets | |
M5 | Lorca | |
M6 | Sarek | |
M7 | Detmer | |
M8 | Owosekun | |
O1 | Star Trek Discovery | |
O2 | Star Trek Discovery | |
O3 | Star Trek Discovery | |
O4 | Star Trek Discovery | |
O5 | Star Trek Discovery | |
O6 | Star Trek Discovery | |
O7 | Star Trek Discovery | |
O8 | Star Trek Discovery | |
O9 | Star Trek Discovery | |
RC01 | Commander Michael Burnham | |
RC02 | Specialist Michael Burnham | |
RC03 | Captain Philippa Georgiou | |
RC04 | Captain Gabriel Lorca | |
RC05 | Commander Saru | |
RC06 | Commander Saru | |
RC07 | Cadet Sylvia Tilly | |
RC08 | Lt. Ash Tyler | |
RC09 | Lt. Paul Stamets | |
RC10 | Dr. Hugh Culber | |
RC11 | Admiral Katrina Cornwell | |
RC12 | Voq | |
DP5 | Captain Philippa Georgiou | |
BA | Shazad Latif | |
BA | Sonequa Martin-Green | |
BA | Wilson Cruz | |
FBA | Arista Arhin | |
FBA | Bonnie Morgan | |
FBA | Chris Obi | |
FBA | Clare McConnell | |
FBA | Conrad Coates | |
FBA | David Benjamin Tomlinson | |
FBA | Doug Jones | |
FBA | Dwain Murphy | |
FBA | Emily Coutts | |
FBA | Harry Judge | |
FBA | James Frain | |
FBA | Jason Isaacs | |
FBA | Jayne Brooke | |
FBA | Jeremy Crittenden | |
FBA | Katherine Barrell | |
FBA | Kenneth Mitchell | |
FBA | Mary Chieffo | |
FBA | Maulik Pancholy | |
FBA | Michelle Yeoh | |
FBA | Oyin Oladejo | |
FBA | Patrick Kwok-Choon | |
FBA | Rainn Wilson | |
FBA | Rekha Sharma as Commander Ellen Landry | |
FBA | Rekha Sharma as Commander Mirror Ellen Landry | |
FBA | Riley Gilchrist | |
FBA | Ronnie Rowe Jr. | |
FBA | Sam Vartholomeos as Ensign Danby Connor | |
FBA | Sam Vartholomeos as Mirror Ensign Danby Connor | |
FBA | Sara Mitich | |
FBA | Shazad Latif | |
FBA | Sonequa Martin-Green | |
FBA | Terry Serpico | |
FBA | Wilson Cruz | |
CIA | Mary Wiseman , | |
CIA | Sonequa Martin-Green / Jason Isaacs | |
CT1 | Cast Poster | |
CT2 | Klingon Poster | |
DA | Anthony Rapp / Wilson Cruz | |
DA | Jason Isaacs / Jayne Brook | |
DA | Mary Chieffo / Shazad Latif | |
DA | Rainn Wilson / Katherine Barrell | |
P1 | Season One | |
P2 | Non-Sports Update | |
P3 | Binder Exclusive | |
P4 | Facebook Exclusive | |
PT1 | Season One |