Eaglemoss Star Trek Starships Checklist

Manufacturer Archive: Eaglemoss

Tag Archive: Eaglemoss

Category Archive: Figurine Checklists


Eaglemoss Star Trek Starships are beautiful models, roughly eight to 11 inches, of the entire fleet of Federation vessels spanning film and television.

As with many Eaglemoss models, each ship is released alongside a magazine (issue) which details the history of the source material as well as information on the model’s construction.

Each model is made with a mix of die-cast metal and ABS plastic and is hand-painted with extraordinary detail.

Along with the standard ship models, commemorative vessel dedication plaques are available as shop exclusives and binders are available to compile your magazine collection.

A wall calendar was added to this collection for 2020 as well as several volumes of books. Books included in the series are:

The Illustrated Handbook is 160 pages that accounts for every version of the iconic ship from concept through all the films. The Shipyards book is a 160 page volume dedicated to the many members of the Federation.

Eaglemoss has also released a line of Star Trek Busts and Star Trek Discovery Starships.

Clicking a link within the site will direct you to the official purchase page but you can also find figures on eBay.

1U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D
2U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 (2271)
3Klingon Bird of Prey
4Enterprise NX-01
5Romulan Warbird
6U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656
7K’t’inga-Class Battle Cruiser
8U.S.S. Excelsior NCC-2000
9U.S.S. Defiant NX-74205
10Borg Sphere
11U.S.S. Reliant NCC-1864
12U.S.S. Thunderchild NCC-63549
13Jem’Hardar Battlecruiser
14Cardassian Galor Class
15U.S.S. Equinox NCC-72381
16Ferengi Marauder
17USS Dauntless NX-01-A
18Bajoran Solar-Sailor
19USS Stargazer NCC-2893
20Klingon Vor’cha-Class Attack Cruiser
21USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E
22Krenim Temporal Weapon Ship
23Nebula Class
24Xindi Insectoid Warship
25USS Prometheus NX-59650
26Tholian Starship (2152)
27Romulan Bird of Prey (2152)
28Maquis Raider
29Jem’Hadar Fighter
30Nausicaan Fighter
31Romulan Warbird Valdore
32Starfleet Runabout
33Cardassian Hideki Class
34Vulcan Surak Class
35Klingon Bird of Prey (2152)
36Oberth Class
37Kumari Andorian Battle Cruiser
38Starfleet Delta Flyer
39Romulan Drone
40USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B
41Klingon Raptor
42USS Pasteur NCC-58925
43Species 8472 Bioship
44United Earth Starfleet Intrepid
45Malon Export Vessel
46USS Enterprise NCC-1701-C
47Klingon IKS Negh’var
48Armored USS Voyager
49ECS Fortunate
50USS Enterprise NCC-1701
51Hirogen Warship
52USS Centaur NCC-42043
53Klingon Augments’ Ship
54Steamrunner Class
55Vulcan D’Kyr Type
56Saber Class
57Romulan Bird of Prey (2260s)
58Borg Tactical Cube
59USS Relativity NCV-474439-G
60SS Botany Bay
61Norway Class
62Voth Research Vessel
63Antares NCC-501
65Xindi-Aquatic Cruiser
66USS Raven NAR-32450
67Klingon D7-Class Battle Cruiser
68Federation Attack Fighter
69Breen Warship
70Voth City Ship
71Goroth’s Klingon Transport Ship
72USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A
73Borg Renegades’ Ship
74Bajoran Raider
75Enterprise-E Captain’s Yacht
77Romulan Shuttle
78USS Voyager’s Aeroshuttle
79Harry Mudd’s Class-J Starship
80Federation Mission Scout Ship
81Xindi-Reptillian Warship
82Warp Delta
83Bajoran Assault Vessel
84United Earth Starfleet NX-Alpha
85Federation Holoship
86Gorn Starship
87Federation Timeship Aeon
88Vulcan Vahklas
89USS Enterprise NCC-1701-J
90Romulan Scout Ship
91USS Saratoga NCC-31911
92Medusan Ship
93ECS Horizon
94Suliban Cell Ship
95USS Kyushu (New Orleans Class)
96Orion Scout Ship
97Academy Flight Training Craft
98USS Rhode Island NCC-72701
99Assimilated Arctic One
100USS Horizon (Daedalus Class)
101Bajoran Freighter
102Klingon D5 Class
103Vidiian Warship
104USS Jenolan NCC-2010
105Smuggler’s Ship
106Kazon Warship
107Klingon Bird of Prey
108USS Ahwahnee (Cheyenne Class)
109Borg Queen’s Ship
110U.S.S. Chekov (Springfield Class)
111Captain Proton’s Rocket Ship
112U.S.S. Phoenix NCC-65420
113Lokirrim Warship
114U.S.S. Buran (Challenger Class)
115Tellarite Cruiser
116U.S.S. Curry
117Ferengi Ship (22nd Century)
118U.S.S. Firebrand (Freedom Class)
119Hirogen Holoship
122U.S.S. Yeager
123Romulan Science Vessel
124S.S. Emmette
126U.S.S. Princeton
127Eymorg Starship
129Tholian Starship (2268)
130Borg Probe
131United Earth Arctic One
132Warship Voyager
133Irina’s Racing Ship
134Vulcan Survey Ship
135Dala’s Delta Flyer
136Cardassian Keldon-Class Cruiser
137Xindi-Primate Starship
138U.S.S. Lantree
139Vaadwaur Assault Fighter
140Federation Tug
141Vulcan T’Pau
142Promellian Battle Cruiser
147Baran’s Raider
148Jem’Hadar Battleship
149Krenim Warship
150U.S.S. Antares
151B’omar Patrol Ship
152U.S.S. Excelsior Prototype Mk I
153Devore Warship
154Klingon Rebel Transport
155Vulcan D’Vahl
156U.S.S. Melbourne
158U.S.S. Excelsior Nilo Rodis Concept II
159Batris (Talarian Freighter)
160United Earth Sarajevo
161Void Ship
162S.S. Lakul NFT-7793
163Orion Interceptor
164U.S.S. Excelsior (Nilo Rodus Concept III)
165Karemma Starship
166Tamarian Deep Space Cruiser
167Axanar Cargo Vessel
168Suliban Cargo Ship
169Kes’ Shuttle
170Tsunkatse Arena Ship
171Barzai Denobulan Medical Ship
172Xindi Insectoid Scout Ship
173U.S.S. Arcos Ship
174Captain Archer’s Toy Ship
176Terellian Ship
177Sheliak Colony Ship
178Husnock Warship
179Vidiian Ship
180Borg Cube
Shop BundleDefiant Bundle
Shop BundleVoyager Bundle
Shop BundleEnterprise-A Bundle
Shop BundleKlingon Bundle
Shop BundleJaneway Bundle
Shop ExclusiveI.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701
Shop ExclusiveI.S.S. Enterprise NX-01
Shop ExclusiveISS Defiant NX-74205
Shop ExclusiveUSS Titan NCC-80102
Shop ExclusiveUSS Aventine NCC-82602
Shop ExclusiveInterphase USS Defiant
Shop ExclusiveU.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-C (Probert Concept)
Shop ExclusiveU.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 (Phase II Concept
Shop ExclusiveU.S.S. Voyager (Sternbach Concept)
Shop ExclusiveKligon Bird-of-Prey
Shop ExclusiveU.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-F
Shop ExclusiveU.S.S. Bonaventure
Shop ExclusiveU.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-F
Shop ExclusiveI.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D
Shop ExclusiveU.S.S. Altair
Shop ExclusiveAssimilated U.S.S. Voyager
Shop ExclusiveU.S.S. Enterprise Shuttlecraft
Shop ExclusiveU.S.S. Defiant NX-74205
Shop ExclusiveU.S.S. Enterprise Shuttlecraft (Phase II Concept)
Shop ExclusiveS.S. Conestoga
Shop ExclusiveCardassian Orbital Weapons Platform
Shop ExclusiveKlingon D4 Concept Ship
Shop ExclusiveFriendship 1
Shop ExclusiveU.S.S. Enterprise “The Cage”
Shop ExclusiveU.S.S. Reliant Concept
Special EditionDeep Space 9
Special EditionU.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701
Special EditionU.S.S. Vengeance
Special EditionKlingon D4 Bird of Prey
Special EditionU.S.S. Kelvin
Special EditionS.S. Enterprise NX-01 Refit
Special EditionBorg Cube
Special EditionSpock’s Jellyfish
Special EditionSS Yorktown NCC-1717
Special EditionUSS Franklin
Special EditionSwarm Ship
Special EditionDeep Space Station K-7
Special EditionUSS Enterprise XCV-330
Special EditionU.S.S. Enterprise XCV-330
Special EditionU.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 Refit
Special EditionKlingon Battle Cruiser
Special EditionU.S.S. Kobayashi Maru
Special EditionSpacedock
Special EditionV’ger
Special EditionPlanet Killer
Special EditionU.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D (Gold Plated)
Special EditionSon’a Flagship
Special EditionFuture U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D
Special EditionLong Range Vulcan Shuttle
Special EditionRegula I Space Laboratory
XL EditionUSS Enterprise NCC-1701
XL EditionUSS Enterprise NCC-1701-D
XL EditionUSS Enterprise NCC-1701-E
XL EditionEnterprise NX-01
XL EditionU.S.S. Voyager
XL EditionU.S.S. Defiant
XL EditionU.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-B
XL EditionU.S.S. Reliant
XL EditionU.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-C
XL EditionU.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701
XL EditionU.S.S. Thunderchild (Akira Class)
XL EditionKlingon Bird-of-Prey
XL EditionRunabout
XL EditionU.S.S. Excelsior
XL EditionRomulan Warbird
XL EditionKlingon K’t’inga-Class Battle Cruiser
XL EditionDeep Space 9
XL EditionU.S.S. Enterprice NCC-1701-J
XL EditionFuture U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D
XL EditionU.S.S. Discovery
