1950 Topps Parade Flags of the World trading cards are often cited as a reissue of the 1949 Topps Flags of All Nations – Soldiers of the World series but that’s a bit misleading.
Naturally, the imagery of the flags on the front of each card is identical to images used in 1949 but flags didn’t change much in a year. The card backs really showcase the main difference — along with the fact that 1950 Parade Flags aren’t printed on cloth — with a simple black and white background with a line drawing of a soldier and some stats about the country represented by the flag on front.
Card sets featuring flags, currency, or stamps from around the world were not new in 1950 and with zero licensing costs, it’s no wonder Topps revisited that subject more than once in the early days of their releases.
Just like many other Topps sets of this era, cards were released in two-card panels perforated down the middle so finding a well centered image with little damage on the perforation can be a challenge.
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1950 Topps Parade Flags of the World Checklist
Base Set – 100 Cards
ACC# – R714-6
1 | Germany |
2 | Bolivia |
3 | Transjordan |
4 | Belgium |
5 | Gold Coast |
6 | Australia |
7 | Morocco |
8 | Argentina |
9 | Estonia |
10 | Afghanistan |
11 | Iraq |
12 | Uruguay |
13 | Iran |
14 | United States |
15 | India |
16 | Iceland |
17 | United Kingdom |
18 | USSR |
19 | Honduras |
20 | 1st American Flag |
21 | Union Of South Africa |
22 | Viking Flag |
23 | Commodore Perry’s Flag |
24 | Chile |
25 | Canada |
26 | Confederate States |
27 | Pre-Revolution Jack |
28 | Byelo Russian S S R |
29 | Netherlands |
30 | Burma |
31 | Brazil |
32 | Mexico |
33 | Spain |
34 | Luxembourg |
35 | Liberia |
36 | Switzerland |
37 | Lebanon |
38 | US Marine Corps |
39 | Yugoslavia |
40 | Yemen |
41 | Red Cross |
42 | Venezuela |
43 | U.S. Admiral |
44 | Czechoslovakia |
45 | Royal Air Force |
46 | Cuba |
47 | Confederate States 1861 |
48 | Panama |
49 | Costa Rica |
50 | Colombia |
51 | Pakistan |
52 | China |
53 | Norway |
54 | Nicaragua |
55 | Hungary |
56 | New Zealand |
57 | Admiral Italy |
58 | Latvia |
59 | Abyssinia |
60 | Admiral Japan |
61 | Admiral Great Britain |
62 | Armenia |
63 | Portugal |
64 | General Staff France |
65 | El Salvador |
66 | USSR Air Force |
67 | Egypt |
68 | Ecuador |
69 | Saudi Arabia |
70 | Dominican Republic |
71 | Poland |
72 | Denmark |
73 | Rumania |
74 | Philippines |
75 | Peru |
76 | Albania |
77 | Paraguay |
78 | Columbus Flag |
79 | Austria |
80 | Italy |
81 | Tibet |
82 | The Alamo |
83 | Admiral Norway |
84 | Haiti |
85 | Admiral Spain |
86 | Guatemala |
87 | Admiral Netherlands |
88 | Ukranian S S R |
89 | Turkey |
90 | Greece |
91 | France |
92 | Syria |
93 | Ethiopia |
94 | Bulgaria |
95 | Sweden |
96 | Irish Free State |
97 | Siam |
98 | Israel |
99 | Japan |
100 | Finland |