The Three Count: Greatest Royal Rumble and more

Tag Archive: Greatest Royal Rumble, GRR, WWE

Category Archive: Television


In this week’s (late) installment, I’ll focus on the Greatest Royal Rumble that took place on Friday and will also look at some of the best and worst from Raw and SmackDown.

Good: Baron Corbin demolishing No Way Jose

Corbin hasn’t always been someone I’ve enjoyed. He’s got meh mic skills, an average skill set, good size but not as much power as a guy his size should have. He’s kind of a middle-of-the-pack big man. But with his dismantling of No Way Jose, he became somebody to watch for as you can expect a minor push.

Corbin needs to reinvent himself on Raw and what seems to be his 30th different theme song will help as well.

Bad: Titus O’Neil’s Greatest Royal Rumble entrance

I mean, I’ll just let you watch it…

Good: The Good Brothers teaming with AJ Styles

Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson came to the WWE and brutally assaulted a handful of tag teams before earning the tag team titles. Since then, though, they have done little to nothing.

Their pairing with AJ, who’s the face that runs SmackDown could get them a decent push, especially since The Usos and New Day have grown a bit stale and the Bludgeon Brothers are ok at best.

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Bad: Alexa Bliss’ PSA

I haven’t really liked the angle of Alexa being a teenage bully to Nia for being a big woman and this just adds to my dislike. It’s low-level comedy and Alexa has much better stuff.

Hopefully, they drop the angle and get back to pushing Nia as a dominant force. Stop making her cry!

Good: Seth Rollins retains his belt

The ladder match was one of my favorite matches of the GRR and Rollins put on a show. Although I would have preferred him at least hit Finn Balor before grabbing the belt, the rivalry between them can go on for as long as they want since both are great workers.

Bad: Friday morning PPVs

I know that the money WWE got from this PPV was abundant, but it was pretty awkward having it on Friday. I wasn’t able to watch it until the weekend, so it’s more of a personal problem for me, but still.

Featured Image: 2018 Topps Now WWE #34
