The Three Count: Brock Party is a dud

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Brock Lesnar is a joke. Really, WWE deciding to give him the Money in the Bank briefcase is a joke, and Brock is laughing all the way to the bank. I can’t fault The Beast for cashing in and cashing in and then literally cashing in. But, WWE lazily implementing Brock Lesnar into the MITB match then having him win is a slap in the face to WWE fans.

Bray Wyatt’s gimmick keeps getting better and better. I still don’t know where it’s going, but psychopathic children’s show host is my favorite Bray. The ultimate test will be entering the ring with the character, but for now, it’s working for me.

Bayley is turning into a decent champ. When she won the briefcase at MITB, she had to have a good run to remain the champ. Two weeks in and I have to say, she is not awful.

Her character has had a somewhat teenage rebrand. She still has the wacky inflatables, but she also has a little bit of attitude and it’s not awful. Did I say that already?

Shane McMahon can leave now. Seriously, the fact that McMahon gets more airtime than dozens of actual wrestlers just proves how lackluster creative is. Or, just how bored Shane is with his life to all of a sudden be in the middle of everything.

A feud with Roman Reigns? Seriously. You couldn’t find an actual opponent for who was once the face of the show? R Truth can stay 24/7 champ forever. There literally couldn’t be a better pick for the title that WWE is attempting to build.

He brings a comedic side that the show lacks since The New Day has been mostly separated and Kofi Kingston has turned into a more serious champ. The video today of Jinder taking the title from Truth at a golf course is exactly what WWE has to do. With the social media platforms they can utilize, there is a ton of angles they can take with this belt.

Can Cesaro and Ricochet fight forever? That chant could not be more true to those two wrestlers. When I watched them in the ring together, I thought there could be a chance that they’d put together a special match and that’s just what they did.

Both wrestlers one-upped each other and the end result was the right one with Ricochet pulling off the win. If you forgot how good Cesaro was as a singles competitor, you better recognize!

Featured image: 2019 Topps Now WWE #26
