A Proper Undertaking: The Undertaker’s First Title Win

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During The Undertaker’s career, which spanned over 25 years, he claimed plenty of titles as not only a singles wrestler but also as a tag team. His first title, though, was won in 1991 at Survivor Series against one of the all-time greats, Hulk Hogan.

4-0 Taker’s First WWF(E) Championship

Screenshot from WWE Network

At the height of Hulkamania, The Dead Man took to the ring in an attempt to dethrone the champ at 1991’s Survivor Series. With the aid of his manager, Paul Bearer, and even the “Nature Boy” Ric Flair, Taker was able to earn his first championship while in the World Wrestling Federation (at the time).

The match was set up with Hogan as the obvious face, but Taker as a tweener. His camp used villainous tactics, but he himself fought with a face mentality, aside from the chokes on the turnbuckle. Taker, while using his size, controlled much of the match and repeatedly choked Hogan to weaken the champion.

Hogan, though, in true Hulk fashion changed the complexity of the match into his favor after he loosened the grips of Taker’s grey gloves as they grasped at his throat. Once he had taken control, it looked as though Taker had met his match. After being on the ground for over two minutes with The Undertaker’s overbearing body on top of him, Hogan battled to his feet.

Taker gave Hogan a tombstone, but instantly Hogan regenerated and began clobbering Taker with menacing right hooks. The two then waged battle for a few minutes and Hogan even gave The Dead Man a body slam before the interference of Flair who came to the ring adorned in his shiny silver robe and helped Taker get his first title win.

After taking a big boot, Hogan was going for his Big Leg Drop when Bearer grabbed his leg. This allowed The Undertaker to hit the champ with a tombstone pile driver on a chair, which Flair had meticulously positioned on the ring, and got the three-count.

It was the first title of Taker’s career while with WWE. He’d win another three WWE titles (in addition to three heavyweight championships.

Featured image: 2016 Topps WWE Now Then and Forever
