1981 Fleer Here’s Bo Checklist

Release Year Archive: 1981

Manufacturer Archive: Fleer

Tag Archive: Here's Bo

Category Archive: Non-Sports Card Checklists


The 1981 Fleer Here’s Bo series of trading cards may be one of the oddest sets of the era. Unlike many strange sets of the era, though, it’s not the subject matter or the design that makes this an oddity but rather the checklist itself.

The series is a life retrospective of Bo Derek — at least the first 25 years of her life — who was just a few years into her acting career at the time. The checklist consists of 72 cards and also 198 cards. How is this possible? For each card front (all of which are numbered # of 72) there are several different card backs. Some of the backs are story cards, some are pieces of a puzzle but every card in the set has at least one and sometimes up to five different card backs. For example, card #1 of 72 can be found with Story Cards 1,7, or 13 of 16. To further complicate matters, Story Card #1 can also be found on the back of card #23

The packaging boasts a 72 card checklist as well as 12 posters (one per pack) for collectors to track down so for the purpose of this checklist we will list each card back as a variation. A completed puzzle will have six rows and eight columns (48 cards) and a complete story consists of 16 cards meaning there are only 64 different card backs. We know, it’s weird.

Clicking a link within the checklist will direct you to an affiliate retailer or to relevant eBay listings. Below the main checklist we have included a graph for the puzzle to indicate which cards particular pieces appear on. We have done the same for the story cards.

1981 Fleer Here’s Bo Checklist

Base Set – 72 Cards
Base w/ Variations – 198 Cards
SC – Story Card
R – Puzzle Row
C – Puzzle Column
KEY – Full Puzzle Image

Posters – 12, 1:1

#Card TitleVar1Var2Var3Var4Var5
1Good advice from Daddy!SC1SC7SC13
2Bo wipes out!SC2SC8SC14
3“Home movies anyone?”SC3SC9SC15
412-hour hairdo for movie “10”R1/C8R3/C8R5/C8
5Ain’t puppy love great!R1/C7R3/C7R5/C7
6Bo pearl dives in Japan.R1/C6R3/C6R5/C6
7First encounter at camp.R1/C5R3/C5R5/C5
8Movie “10” brings international fame.R1/C4R3/C3R5/C4
9Bo is an excellent Windsurfer.R1/C3R3/C2R5/C3
10Resting after jog on beach.R1/C2R3/C4R5/C2
11“May the tooth fairy answer my dreams.”R1/C1R3/C1R5/C1
12“Stand where I showed you!”SC4SC10KEY
13Happiest girl in the jungle.SC5SC11KEY
14“Take me to your leader.”SC6SC12SC16
15Bo relaxes with her mate.R2/C8R4/C8R6/C8
16“Please let me go.”R2/C7R4/C7R6/C7
17Bo runs for her life.R2/C6R4/C6R6/C6
18Prepare for the sacrifice!R2/C5R4/C5R6/C5
19Bo’s sister Kerry helps John shoot.R2/C4R4/C4R6/C4
20Rafting down the river.R2/C3R4/C3R6/C3
21“Don’t touch me or I’ll shoot!”R2/C2R4/C2R6/C2
22So this is the new crew John hired?R2/C1R4/C1R6/C1
23Tender scene in the Jungle!SC1SC7R1/C5R3/C5R5/C5
24The boa makes a sneak attack.SC2SC8R1/C4R3/C3R5/C4
25Lost and nowhere to go.SC3SC9R1/C3R3/C2R5/C3
26Dressed for dinner in the jungle.R1/C8R3/C8R1/C2R3/C4R5/C2
27Lunch break in jungle.R1/C7R3/C7R1/C1R3/C1R5/C1
28“Please! Please! Help me!”R1/C6R3/C6
29“Am I really your first girlfriend?”R1/C5R3/C5
30To the rescue!R1/C4R3/C3
31Bo’s husband, John Derek.R1/C3R3/C2
32Swinging through the trees.R1/C2R3/C4
33“Oh, I hope he’s not dead.”R1/C1R3/C1
34John & Bo working on latest movie.SC4SC10
35Our family portrait.SC5SC11
36Beauty in the jungle.SC6SC12
37Alone on the beach.R2/C8R4/C8
38Oh, those big blue eyes.R2/C7R4/C7
39Sweet 16 & falling in love!R2/C6R4/C6
40Bo relaxes with her ponies.R2/C5R4/C5
41Adventure in Australia.R2/C4R4/C4
42A ride in the surf.R2/C3R4/C3
43Bo braids crafts for relaxation.R2/C2R4/C2
44Jogging through Central Park, New YorkR2/C1R4/C1
45The jungle taxi.SC1SC13
46“O.K. snap the shutter.”SC2SC14
47June, 1979SC3SC15
48July, 1978R1/C8R5/C8
49Bo relaxes in Mexico.R1/C7R5/C7
50Bo flies her Hobie Cat.R1/C6R5/C6
51Bo Bo black sheep.R1/C5R5/C5
52“Hey, can you keep a secret?”R1/C4R5/C4
53Sailing on America Cup yacht “Freedom.”R1/C3R5/C3
54Bo exercises and swims every day.R1/C2R5/C2
55Expert rider on the beach.R1/C1R5/C1
56“Gimme a great big kiss!”SC4SC10KEY
57California Girl at 17.SC5SC11KEY
58Making friend in Singapore Zoo.SC6SC12SC16
59Bo loves her V.W. convertible.R2/C8R4/C8R6/C8
60Captain and crew on riverboat.R2/C7R4/C7R6/C7
61Cornrows … made famous by Bo.R2/C6R4/C6R6/C6
62“Daddy, is he really a savage?”R2/C5R4/C5R6/C5
63The All American Girl!R2/C4R4/C4R6/C4
64Saved from the surf.R2/C3R4/C3R6/C3
65John’s favorite photo.R2/C2R4/C2R6/C2
66One big happy family.R2/C1R4/C1R6/C1
67C.J. takes a stroll.SC1SC7SC13
68“Burr! The water is cold.”SC2SC8SC14
69Exercising on California beach.SC3SC9SC15
70Vacationing in Switzerland.R1/C8R3/C8R5/C8
71“Hey John, let us help.”R1/C7R3/C7R5/C7
72In search of the wild beast.R1/C6R3/C6R5/C6

Puzzle Key

11, 27, 33, 5510, 26, 32, 549, 25, 31, 538, 24, 30, 527, 23, 29, 516, 28, 50, 725, 27, 49, 714, 26, 48, 70
22, 44, 6621, 43, 6520, 42, 6419, 41, 6318, 40, 6217, 39, 6116, 38, 6015, 37, 59
11, 27, 339, 25, 318, 24, 3010, 26, 327, 23, 296, 28, 725, 27, 714, 26, 70
22, 44, 6621, 43, 6520, 42, 6419, 41, 6318, 40, 6217, 39, 6116, 38, 6015, 37, , 59
11, 27, 5510, 26 , 549, 25, 538, 24, 527, 23, 516, 50, 725, 49, 714, 48, 70
22, 6621, 6520, 6419, 6318, 6217, 6116, 6015, 59
Puzzle Photo appears on cards 12, 13, 56, and 57

Story Card Key

Story CardCard #
SC11, 23, 45, 67
SC22, 24, 46, 68
SC33, 25, 47, 69
SC412, 34, 56
SC513, 35, 57
SC614, 36, 58
SC71, 23, 67
SC82, 24, 68
SC93, 25, 69
SC1012, 34, 56
SC1113, 35, 57
SC1214, 36, 58
SC131, 45, 67
SC142, 46, 68
SC153, 47, 69
SC1614, 58
