WWE: Battleground PPV Ups and Downs, Results

Tag Archive: Battleground, New Day, SmackDown Live, WWE

Category Archive: Television


There was plenty to like about WWE’s Battleground pay per view, but also plenty to critique. While I incorrectly predicted the majority of match results, some endings still weren’t at all satisfying.

Thumbs Down: John Cena def. Rusev

We all knew Cena was going to win this match. We ALL knew it. Hoped and wished for the opposite to happen, but in the end Cena did what Cena does and WWE continued to build up a part-timer who needs no push whatsoever.

The worst thing about this match is that, once Rusev set up the tables, I predicted Cena to put him through them to end the match. But, not only that. I knew he was going to squat Rusev from the Accolade position then climb the steps before “burying” (get it?) him through the tables.

The match itself was longer than I would have liked it to be, especially considering I knew how it would end, but it wasn’t all that bad of a contest. Still, more effort could have been put into it.

Thumbs Up: Jinder Mahal def. Randy Orton

I saw some complaining about the interference from Great Khali, but I thought it was unexpectedly everything I’ve ever wanted out of a Mahal accomplice. Khali returning, along with the Singh Brothers and their hijinks created the epitome of a heel-ending.

Mahal retaining was necessary and this feud ending is a must. Mahal can set his eyes on someone more inclined for a push, perhaps Sami Zayn for the time being as AJ Styles continues his feud with Kevin Owens.

Which brings me to my next Battleground match…

Kevin Owens def. AJ Styles

This match was a thing of beauty. The timing, chemistry and choreography allows these two to create works of art in the squared circle. I consider this the second-best match of the night.

My only issue was the lame ending and roll-up finish. It was a cheap way to end an otherwise excellent match, but I understand it allows the rivalry to progress.

Thumbs Down: Shinsuke Nakamura def. Baron Corbin

[the_ad id=”11697″]Maybe it’s the level of talent that Nakamura has to face in Corbin, but he hasn’t been his best in WWE so far. Even his first match with Dolph Ziggler wasn’t  up to my expectations (Ziggler was brilliant in that match). Maybe, I’m basing it too hard off of his impeccable matches at New Japan, but in my opinion, he hasn’t fully unleashed the Strong Style I’d like to see.

Corbin ending this match with a kick to the sweet-spot of Shinsuke was, once again, a decent heel ending, but the match could have been better. I think the focus of his entrance is also something I’m not particularly enthralled with. I’d just like to see him at his best in ring.

Thumbs Up: New Day def. The Usos

My match of the night had to be these two. The build-up to this match and the end result was what any WWE story line hopes to be. Even the rap battle was something I expected to be a waste of time, but it was beneficial in the story.

Much like the KO/Styles match, this was a demonstration in proper technique of a match. Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston proved they could win the belts without Big E and in my wildest dreams, I’m hoping for a Big E heel turn. I know it would could from left field, but it’d be great timing.

Other Battleground match results:

Natalya won the fatal-5 way elimination match

Sami Zayn def. Mike Kanellis

Aiden English def. Tye Dillinger

Topps Now WWE: Battleground cards
