2022 Topps Star Wars Chrome Black trading card checklist

2022 Topps Star Wars Chrome Black Checklist

Release Date: 11/2/22

Cards per Pack: 4

Packs per Hobby Box: 1

Hobby Boxes per Case: 12

Release Year Archive: 2022

Manufacturer Archive: Topps

Tag Archive: Chrome Black, Star Wars

Category Archive: Non-Sports Card Checklists

2022 Topps Star Wars Chrome Black trading cards showcase characters from throughout the Star Wars universe on Chrome and black-matte cards. There are four different designs for autograph cards.

Each box contains four cards including one encased autograph and one numbered parallel.

This checklist is organized by subsets. Scroll through the entire list or jump to a specific subset by selecting it from the key below. Clicking a link within the checklist will direct you to an affiliate retailer or to relevant eBay listings.

2022 Topps Star Wars Chrome Black Checklist

Base Set – 100 Cards
Refractor – #/199
Green Refractor – #/99
Blue Refractor – #/75
Gold Refractor – #/50
Orange Refractor – #/25
Magenta Refractor – #/10
Red Refractor – #/5
SuperFractor – 1/1

Autographs (A) – 69 Cards
Green Refractor – #/99
Gold Refractor – #/50
Orange Refractor – #/25
Red Refractor – #/5
SuperFractor – 1/1

Autograph B Design (AB) – 45 Cards
Gold Refractor – #/50
Orange Refractor – #/25
Red Refractor – #/5
SuperFractor – 1/1

Galactic Black Auto (GB) – 11 Cards
Red Refractor – #/5
SuperFractor – 1/1

Dark Side Auto (DS) – 15 Cards
Red Refractor – #/5
SuperFractor – 1/1

Base Set

1Darth VaderStar Wars: A New Hope
2Obi-Wan KenobiStar Wars: The Phantom Menace
3YodaStar Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
4Han SoloStar Wars: A New Hope
5Luke SkywalkerStar Wars: A New Hope
6ChewbaccaStar Wars: A New Hope
7R2-D2Star Wars: A New Hope
8Princess Leia OrganaStar Wars: A New Hope
9Boba FettStar Wars: Return of the Jedi
10Darth MaulStar Wars: The Phantom Menace
11Ahsoka TanoThe Mandalorian
12The MandalorianThe Mandalorian
13Emperor PalpatineStar Wars: Revenge of the Sith
14C-3POStar Wars: A New Hope
15Lando CalrissianSolo: A Star Wars Story
16GroguThe Mandalorian
17Jabba The HuttStar Wars: The Phantom Menace
18Admiral AckbarStar Wars: The Force Awakens
19Count DookuStar Wars: Attack of the Clones
20Kylo RenStar Wars: The Force Awakens
21ReyStar Wars: The Force Awakens
22BB-8Star Wars: The Force Awakens
23Poe DameronStar Wars: The Force Awakens
24FinnStar Wars: The Force Awakens
25GreedoStar Wars: A New Hope
26K-2SORogue One: A Star Wars Story
27Captain TarkinStar Wars: The Clone Wars
28Mace WinduStar Wars: Attack of the Clones
29Chirrut ÎmweRogue One: A Star Wars Story
30Bib FortunaStar Wars: The Phantom Menace
31Qui-Gon JinnStar Wars: The Phantom Menace
32General GrievousStar Wars: Revenge of the Sith
33Wicket W. WarrickStar Wars: Return of the Jedi
34Enfys NestSolo: A Star Wars Story
35Mon MothmaStar Wars: Return of the Jedi
36Vice Admiral HoldoStar Wars: The Last Jedi
37Wedge AntillesStar Wars: Return of the Jedi
38Qi’raSolo: A Star Wars Story
39Jar Jar BinksStar Wars: The Phantom Menace
40SebulbaStar Wars: The Phantom Menace
41Padmé AmidalaStar Wars: The Phantom Menace
42Jango FettStar Wars: Attack of the Clones
43HunterStar Wars: The Bad Batch
44WreckerStar Wars: The Bad Batch
45TechStar Wars: The Bad Batch
46CrosshairStar Wars: The Bad Batch
47EchoStar Wars: The Bad Batch
48OmegaStar Wars: The Bad Batch
49Captain PhasmaStar Wars: The Force Awakens
50Grand Admiral ThrawnStar Wars Rebels
51Asajj VentressStar Wars: The Clone Wars
52Moff GideonThe Mandalorian
53Fennec ShandThe Mandalorian
54Koska ReevesThe Mandalorian
55KuiilThe Mandalorian
56IG-11The Mandalorian
57Greef KargaThe Mandalorian
58MayfeldThe Mandalorian
59Cobb VanthThe Mandalorian
60Peli MottoThe Mandalorian
61Bo-Katan KryzeThe Mandalorian
62Axe WovesThe Mandalorian
63Ezra BridgerStar Wars Rebels
64Sabine WrenStar Wars Rebels
65Kanan JarrusStar Wars Rebels
66Captain RexStar Wars Rebels
67The Grand InquisitorStar Wars Rebels
68Zeb OrreliosStar Wars Rebels
69Hera SyndullaStar Wars Rebels
70Saw GerreraRogue One: A Star Wars Story
71Jyn ErsoRogue One: A Star Wars Story
72Cassian AndorRogue One: A Star Wars Story
73Galen ErsoRogue One: A Star Wars Story
74Bodhi RookRogue One: A Star Wars Story
75Director KrennicRogue One: A Star Wars Story
76Kit FistoStar Wars: Revenge of the Sith
77BoushhStar Wars: Return of the Jedi
78Biggs DarklighterStar Wars: A New Hope
79Zam WesellStar Wars: Attack of the Clones
80BoloStar Wars: The Bad Batch
81Commander CodyStar Wars: Revenge of the Sith
82IG-88Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
83Anakin SkywalkerStar Wars: Revenge of the Sith
84Supreme Leader SnokeStar Wars: The Last Jedi
85Rose TicoStar Wars: The Last Jedi
86Beaumont KinStar Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
87Aurra SingStar Wars: The Phantom Menace
88Cad BaneStar Wars: The Clone Wars
89Nala SeStar Wars: The Bad Batch
90Lama SuStar Wars: The Bad Batch
91Cut LawquaneStar Wars: The Bad Batch
92Vice Admiral RampartStar Wars: The Bad Batch
93Quinlan VosStar Wars: The Clone Wars
94LobotStar Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
95Max ReboStar Wars: Return of the Jedi
96Salacious B. CrumbStar Wars: Return of the Jedi
97PaoRogue One: A Star Wars Story
98Sidon IthanoStar Wars: The Force Awakens
99Plo KoonStar Wars: Revenge of the Sith
100CidStar Wars: The Bad Batch


A-ABAnna Brewster
A-ADAdam Driver
A-AEHAlden Ehrenreich
A-AKAndrew Kishino
A-ASAndy Serkis
A-ASEAmy Sedaris
A-BDBen DiskinThe Bad Batch
A-BDWBilly Dee WilliamsThe Rise of Skywalker
A-BEDBen Daniels
A-BLBillie LourdThe Rise of Skywalker
A-CFCarrie FisherThe Last Jedi
A-CMCameron Monaghan
A-CSChristopher Sean
A-CWCarl Weathers
A-DBBDEE Bradley BakerThe Bad Batch
A-DBCDEE Bradley Baker
A-DBEDEE Bradley BakerThe Bad Batch
A-DBHDEE Bradley Baker
A-DBTDEE Bradley Baker
A-DBWDEE Bradley Baker
A-DCDave Chapman
A-DLIDiana Lee Inosanto
A-DRDaisy Ridley
A-ECEmilia Clarke
A-EKErin Kellyman
A-EMEwan McGregor
A-ESEmily Swallow
A-FJFelicity JonesRogue One
A-FPJFreddie Prinze Jr.
A-FWForest WhitakerRogue One
A-GCGwendoline Christie
A-GEGiancarlo Esposito
A-GGGreg GrunbergThe Rise of Skywalker
A-HCHayden Christensen
A-HFHarrison Ford
A-HQHugh Quarshie
A-IMIan McDiarmid
A-JBJohn BoyegaThe Rise of Skywalker
A-JCJim CummingsRebels
A-JDJulie Dolan
A-JKJaime King
A-KMTKelly Marie Tran
A-KSHKiran Shah
A-MDMark Dodson
A-MIBMichonne Bourriague
A-MNWMing-Na WenThe Mandalorian
A-MVMercedes Varnado
A-MWMatthew Wood
A-NANaomi Ackie
A-NFNika Futterman
A-NNNick Nolte
A-NPNatalie PortmanRevenge of the Sith
A-PARPhilip Anthony-Rodriguez
A-PKPaul KaseyRogue One
A-PLPhil LaMarrThe Bad Batch
A-PSLPAUL Sun-Hyung Lee
A-RADRobin Atkin DownesThe Bad Batch
A-RDRosario Dawson
A-RZRiz Ahmed
A-SAStephen StantonThe Bad Batch
A-SBSteve Blum
A-SLScott Lawrence
A-SLJSamuel L. JacksonRevenge of the Sith
A-TGTaylor Gray
A-TRTim Rose
A-TSTiya SircarRebels
A-VMVanessa MarshallThe Bad Batch
A-WDWarwick DavisThe Rise of Skywalker
A-WHWerner Herzog

Autograph B Design

AB-ADAdam Driver
AB-ADAAnnabelle Davis
AB-ALAmanda Lawrence
AB-ASEAmy Sedaris
AB-BDBen DiskinThe Clone Wars
AB-BDWBilly Dee WilliamsThe Empire Strikes Back
AB-BHBrian Herring
AB-BLBillie LourdThe Last Jedi
AB-CFCarrie FisherThe Empire Strikes Back
AB-CHClint Howard
AB-CSChristopher Sean
AB-DBEDEE Bradley BakerThe Clone Wars
AB-DBRDEE Bradley BakerThe Clone Wars
AB-DRDaisy Ridley
AB-EMEwan McGregor
AB-FJFelicity JonesForces of Destiny
AB-FWForest WhitakerRebels
AB-GCGwendoline Christie
AB-GGGreg GrunbergThe Force Awakens
AB-HCHayden Christensen
AB-HFHarrison Ford
AB-IMCIan McDiarmid
AB-JBJohn BoyegaThe Last Jedi
AB-JCJim CummingsThe Clone Wars
AB-JIJason Isaacs
AB-KSKiran Shah
AB-KYKeone Young
AB-LBRLYNN Robertson Bruce
AB-LMLars Mikkelsen
AB-MBJMark Boone Jr.
AB-MNWMing-Na WenThe Bad Batch
AB-MRMisty Rosas
AB-MUMegan Udall
AB-MWMatthew WoodThe Rise of Skywalker
AB-NFNika Futterman
AB-NPNatalie PortmanAttack of the Clones
AB-PKPaul KaseyThe Rise of Skywalker
AB-PLPhil LaMarrRebels
AB-RADRobin Atkin DownesRebels
AB-RBRalph Brown
AB-SLJSamuel L. JacksonThe Phantom Menace
AB-SSStephen StantonResistance
AB-SWSam WitwerSolo: A Star Wars Story
AB-TSTiya SircarForces of Destiny
AB-WDWarwick DavisSolo: A Star Wars Story

Galactic Black Auto

GB-ADAdam Driver
GB-AEAlden Ehrenreich
GB-CFCarrie Fisher
GB-CWCarl Weathers
GB-DRDaisy Ridley
GB-ECEmilia Clarke
GB-EMEwan McGregor
GB-HCHayden Christensen
GB-HFHarrison Ford
GB-JBJohn Boyega
GB-NPNatalie Portman

Dark Side Auto

DS-ABAnna Brewster
DS-ADAdam Driver
DS-ASAndy Serkis
DS-DLIDiana Lee Inosanto
DS-DRDaisy Ridley
DS-GEGiancarlo Esposito
DS-HCHayden Christensen
DS-IMCIan McDiarmid
DS-JIJason Isaacs
DS-PARPhilip Anthony-Rodriguez
DS-PBPaul Bettany
DS-RBRichard Brake
DS-REGRichard E. Grant
DS-SMGSarah Michelle Gellar
DS-SSStephen Stanton