1954 Topps Scoop trading card checklist

1954 Topps Scoop Checklist

Release Year Archive: 1954

Manufacturer Archive: Topps

Tag Archive: Historical

Category Archive: Non-Sports Card Checklists

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1954 Topps Scoop trading cards highlighted the biggest moments in history ranging from presidential assassinations to earthquakes to technological advancements. Despite the wrappers for these cards branding the set as “Magic Headline Scoop” the set is often referred to with the plural “Scoops” shorthand.

The set was released in two evenly sized series and several — but not all — cards included black bars across the front which needed to be peeled or scratched off to reveal the card’s headline. The reverse of each card includes more information about the specific event portrayed on the front and is designed to resemble the front page of a newspaper.

There are four baseball specific events included in this set including a card for Babe Ruth (#41).

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1954 Topps Scoop Checklist

Base Set – 156 Cards

ACC# – R714-19

1San Francisco Earthquake
2Fire Sweeps Chicago
3Lindbergh Flies Atlantic
4Battleship Maine Blown Up
5Lusitania Sinks
6Lincoln Shot
7Monitor Battles Merrimac
8Alamo Falls
9Garfield Shot
10Panama Canal Opened
11Statue of Liberty Unveiled
12First Atom Bomb Dropped
13Victory for Rough Riders
14President McKinley Shot
15First Airplane Flight
16D-Day Landing On Normandy
17S.S. Titanic Sinks
18World War I Declared
19Pearl Harbor Attacked
20Dirigible Hindenburg Burns
21US Troops reach France
22United Nations Born
23War in Korea
24Retreat from Dunkirk
25King Edward Abdicates
26Atlantic Charter Drafter
27Bob Feller
28Boston Tea Party
29Battle of Britain
30Landings on North Africa
31Roosevelt Wins 4th Term
32World War II Begins
33MacArthur Returns
34Doolittle Bombs Tokyo
35Gold Discovered
36Marines land at Iwo Jima
37John Brown’s Raid
38Oklahoma Gold Rush
39Dempsey defeats Willard
40Joe Louis New Champ
41Babe Ruth Sets Record
42Massacre in Chicago
43Normandie Capsizes
44East Meets West
45Custer’s Last Stand
46Pony Express Starts
47Armistace Signed
48Blizzard sweeps New York
49Black Tom Explodes
50Fulton’s Steamboat
51Washington Inaugurated
52Queen Elizabeth II Crowned
53Gandhi murdered
54Stock Market Crashes
55Peary discovers North Pole
56Byrd Reaches South Pole
57Victory in Europe
58Japanese Surrender
59Big 3 Meet at Yalta
60Acrobat crosses Niagara
61Berlin Airlift Begins
62Bandits Rob Brink’s
63Morro Castle Burns
64Quintuplets Born
65Marciano K.O.’s Walcott
66Jet Breaks Speed Record
67Korea Truce Signed
68Jet Passes Sound Barrier
69Piccard Descends 2 Miles Under Sea
70Mt. Everest Climbed
71John L. Sullivan Defeated
72Ederle Swims Channel
73Johnstown Flooded
74Mussolini Dead
75Dillinger Shot
76Brooklyn Bridge Opened
77Hurricane in Florida
78War with Mexico
79British Lose at New Orleans
80Nathan Hale
81John Paul Jones
82Hamilton Shot In Duel
83Battle of Manila Bay
84Chief Red Cloud Defeated
85Jesse James Robs Train
86Indians Defeat Gen. Crook
87Joan of Arc burned
88Troy falls to Greeks
89Rome Burned
90Columbus Discovers America
91Pompeii Destroyed
92U.S. Navy Battles Pirates
93United States Gets Flag
94Lewis & Clark Reach Pacific
95Chief Sitting Bull Killed
96Geronimo Surrenders
97Captain Kidd Hanged
98Witch Hunts in Salem
99Fort Sumter Surrenders
100Battle of Tippecanoe
101Perry Opens Door To Japan
102Stanley Finds Livingston
103Magellan’s Ship circles World
104Pilgrims Land At Plymouth
105U.S.S. Panay Sunk
106Bridge Crashes
107Circus Blaze
108Skyscraper Crash
109Bikini A-Bomb Test
110Notre Dame’s 4 Horsemen
111Declaration of Independence
112Gen. Braddock Defeated
113Spanish Armada Defeated
114Suez Canal Opened
115Napoleon Loses at Waterloo
116Daimler tests first Auto
117Flagpole-Sitting Record Set
118Julius Caesar Assassinated
119Plague Sweeps London
120Mutiny on the Bounty
121West Point Trains Cadets
122Wild Bill Hickok Shot
123Boy Scouts Organized
124Top Nazis to Hang
125New State of Israel
126Carlsen Quits Sinking Ship
127Flying Saucers
128Jesse Owens
129Ben Hogan
130Braves go to Milwaukee
131Corrigan Flies Wrong Way
132Eisenhower Elected
133Erie Canal Opened
134First Baloon Flight
135Flood Kills Hundreds
136Franklin D. Roosevelt Dies
137New York World’s Fair
138Radar Beam Reaches Moon
139Air Speed Record Set
140British Burn White House
141Cornwallis Surrenders
142Gold stored at Fort Knox
143Louis XVI Guillotined
144Franklin’s Famous Experiment
145Brodie jumps off Brooklyn Bridge
146Liberty or Death
147Indians sell Manhattan
148U.S. buys Louisiana
149Leif Ericsson finds Finland
150Pocahontas saves Colonist
151United States buys Alaska
152Ship sets Speed Record
153T.V.A. Completed
15426-inning Tie Game
155Charge of the Light Brigade
156World’s Largest Telescope Built
