1950 Topps Hopalong Cassidy trading card checklist

1950 Topps Hopalong Cassidy Checklist

Release Year Archive: 1950

Manufacturer Archive: Topps

Tag Archive: Hopalong Cassidy

Category Archive: Non-Sports Card Checklists

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1950 Topps Hopalong Cassidy trading cards were an interesting development for the young card company. The set, based off the popular television series, includes 230 base cards divided into 10 different story groups. Each story group was given a different tint to make it stand out.

Story 1 – Dangerous Venture (#1-23) – Blue
Story 2 – Borrowed Trouble (#24-47) – Sepia
Story 3 – Hoppy’s Holiday (#48-71) – Pink
Story 4 – False Paradise (#72-95) – Green
Story 5 – Unexpected Guest (#96-117) – Black and White
Story 6 – Devil’s Playground (#118-141) – Blue/Green
Story 7 – Fool’s Gold (#142-165) – Brown
Story 8 – The Dead Don’t Dream (#166-186) – Purple
Story 9 – Silent Conflict (#187-208) – Multi-Colored
Story 10 – Sinister Journey (#209-230) – Multi-Colored

The set was also notable as one of the first collections to feature insert cards. There were eight foil “movie cards” which served as covers for each of the first eight stories. The final two stories, which also deviate from the established coloring scheme, are not featured on foil inserts.

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1950 Topps Hopalong Cassidy Checklist

Base Set – 230 Cards

Foil Cards – 8 Cards

ACC# – R712-2

1Trouble Ahead
2The Lying Rustlers
3The Sheriff Talks
4Almost Knifed
5Hoppy Strikes Back
6Solemn Promise
7Hoppy Falls
8Ready for Trouble
10The Bargain
11Shooting Fury
12False Evidence
13A Clever Trick
14Vicious Partners
15The Wounded Indian
16Death Struggle
17Hoppy’s Warning
18A Fatal Boast
19Human Sacrifice
20Two-Gun Man
21On Hoppy’s Trail
22Deadly Creed
23What’s Ahead?
24Pay Day
25Where’s California
26Unseen Enemy
27Fighting School Teacher
28Ready Guns
29Hoppy Arrives
30The Threat
31Missing Teacher
32Look Out, Hoppy
33Shoot Fast
34Hoppy Teaches
35The Clue
36California’s Troubles
37The Secret Cabin
38Silent Danger
39Watch Out, Hoppy
40Flying Fists
41Get Hoppy
42An Old Trick
43Hard Words
44You Did It
45Hoppy Faces Death
46Lucky Apple
47What’s Next
48Big Celebration
49Mess in Mesa City
50Suspicious Character
51Don’t Trick Hoppy
52Hoppy’s Surprise
53Danger in New Duds
54Battle with Bankrobbers
55Blazing Guns
56Unexpected Treasure
57California’s Arrest
58The Trap
59Make California Talk
60Protect California
61California on the Spot
62Caught Red-Handed
63A Sudden Shot
64Hoppy Is Wounded
65Fighting Fury
66The Gateaway
67The Posse Rides
68Fighting Back
69Desperate Chance
70Duel of Death
71Found Money
73Stop Those Horses
74New Neighbors
75Bad News
76Buried Riches
77Binding Sale
78A Secret Disclosed
79Meeting of the Thieves
80The Knock-Out
81The Dangerous Loan
82A Bad Accident
83Dynamite Roars
84Death Strikes
85Dangerous Rescue
86Happy Hoppy
87Strange Alliance
88Hoppy Sees Treachery
89Episode 18 – Ambush
90Surprise Defense
91Trail That Gang
92Bullets of Death
94Payment at Gun Point
95Pals Together
96California’s Dead Relatives
97Was It Murder?
98The Strange Will
99Another Dead Relative
100Hunting the Killer
101The Talking Dead
102Investigations Halted
103Attempted Murder
104Buried Wealth
105Smoking Guns
106Safety First
107Secret Drawer
108Sounds in the Wall
109Friend in Trouble
110Hoppy’s Danger
111Jump for Life
112Talk or Die
113Mystery Man
114Fight to the Finish
115Who Is It?
116Pals Separate
117Sudden Decision
118Ghost Riders
120Heading for Danger
121A Warning Ignored
122Where’s the Girl
123Hidden Gold
124Map of Death
125River Fight
126Hands Up
127Locked Up
128Hoppy in Jail
129Sudden Pains
131Search for Gold
132Stupid Sheriff
133Hoppy in Trouble
134Hoppy Defies the Law
135Unexpected Danger
136Robber’s Loot
137Kill Them All
138Out of Ammunition
139Hoppy’s Surrender
140Smoke Screen
141Keep Smiling
142Action Wanted
143Dangerous Mission
145Ordered to Leave
146Rough Treatment
147Runaway Cart
148Spider Collector
149Problem for California
150Plans Overheard
151The Meeting
152Forced Accomplice
153Knocked Out
154Mysterious Laboratory
155Fake Gold Bricks
156Hoppy Finds His Man
157Bound Hands
158Danger of Death
159Tables Are Turned
160Race Against Time
161False Signature
162Flying Lasso
163One Man Less
164Victory Yell
165Bar-20 Ahead
166Lucky’s Wedding
167Mary’s Missing Uncle
168The Search Begins
169A Dead Body
170New Suspect
171The Death Room
172Another Disappearance
173Evidence of Murder
174The Missing Corpse
175Suspicious Intruders
176Where Is the Sheriff?
177Dead Men Don’t Talk
178Prospect for Murder
179The Killer Is Here
180Death Descends
181A Killer Trapped
182Partners in Murder
183Hoppy Breaks Away
184The Shot
185California to the Rescue
186Together Again
187Too Much Money
188Strange Friends
189Lucky Won’t Talk
190Lucky Talks Too Much
191Unexpected News
192Dangerous Tea
193Stolen Gold
194Secret Meeting
195Hoppy Is Suspected
196Orders to Kill
197Quick on the Draw
198Explanation Not Wanted
199One Gun for Four
200Danger in the Hills
201Instructions for Murder
202Lucky Shoots At His Pals
203Quick Action Needed
204Fight for Life
205Back to Normal
207Ready to Shoot
208A Crook Surrenders
209Runaway Horse
210Urgent Request
211Plot for Murder
212Special Assignment
213A Threat
214Furious Fists
215Trouble Brewing
216California in Trouble
217A Shot in the Night
218False Accusation
219A Warning
220Quick Thinking
221Unknown Enemy
222Name the Killer
223A Treacherous Shot
224The Lie
225The Killer Strikes
226Missing Suspect
227Hoppy Finds the Accused Man
228California Pulls a Switch
230Hoppy’s Trick

Foil Cards

Hopalong Cassidy in Dangerous Venture
Hopalong Cassidy in Borrowed Trouble
Hopalong Cassidy in Hoppy’s Holiday
California, Hoppy, and Lucky in False Paradise
Hopalong Cassidy in Unexpected Guest
Hopalong Cassidy in Devil’s Playground
Hopalong Cassidy in The Dead Don’t Dream
California and Hoppy in Fool’s Gold
