1950 Bowman Wild Man trading card checklist

1950 Bowman Wild Man Checklist

Release Year Archive: 1950

Manufacturer Archive: Bowman

Tag Archive: Historical

Category Archive: Non-Sports Card Checklists

1950 Bowman Wild Man trading cards are a charming set that illustrates the history of man’s murderous tendencies. Beginning with the first murder as told in the Bible and culminating in a hypothetical war between the planets, this set features beautiful artwork despite its dour subject matter.

In an attempt to be an educational tool for the children of the early 1950s, each card back included the caption “Man’s past is stained with blood; His future can be bright with promise — if in the present he will wage peace”. That line was directly underneath a graphic retelling of the murder depicted on the card front.

The set was released in two series. Series 1 consists of cards 1-36, Series 2 consists of cards 37-72.

As with many sets of this era, centering is a huge issue when it comes to finding high quality cards from this collection.

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1950 Bowman Wild Man Checklist

Base Set – 72 Cards

ACC# – R701-18

1The First Murder
2Fight For A Cave
3In The Roman Arena
4Hannibal Crosses The Alps
5Attila And The Huns
6Crusaders Storm Antioch
7Poison Gas
9Seeing The World
10Marco Polo In The East
11Fire Aids Early Man
12Hunting The Mammoth
13Building The Pyramids
15Last Bare-Knuckle Bout
17Stretcher Bearers
18Rescue At Sea
19Civil War In China
21Reign Of Terror
22Border Incident
23Jungle Bombing
25Amazon Frontier
29Concentration Camps
30To Siberia
31Quest For Peace
32Land Of Promise
33War Rockets
34Atomic Doom
35Flying Suits
36Trip To The Moon
37That’s Mine
38Red Sea Death
39Alexander Conquers Persia
40Viking Fury
41Joan Of Arc
42Private War
43Fort William Henry Massacre
44Battle Of Waterloo
45Pearl Harbor
46Gallant Tanker
47Death Of Capt Cook
48Stanley Seeks Livingstone
49Stone-Age Hunt
50Winning A Home
51Whaling Days
52Chariot Race
53Men Against Beast
55Martyred Hermit
56Dive Bomber
57Flame Thrower
58Land Mine
59Guerrilla War
60South American Revolution
61Foreign Legion In Action
62Danger Zone
63Australian Bushman
64Search For Uranium
65Jet Pilot
66Under The River
67Salvaging Treasure
68Communists Seize US Consul
70City Of The Dead
71Raiding Germ Laboratory
72Attack From Space