1938 Wills Air Raid Precautions trading card checklist

1938 Wills Air Raid Precautions Checklist

Release Year Archive: 1938

Manufacturer Archive: Wills' Cigarettes

Tag Archive: Military

Category Archive: Non-Sports Card Checklists


1938 Wills Air Raid Precautions trading cards were just one of several such sets released by the Imperial Tobacco company in England. This same set was also released under the Ogden and Churchman brand of cigarettes at the encouragement of the English government.

The set was released in the early days of World War II. Though Germany’s invasion of Poland wasn’t until 1940, much of Asia was at war and the UK government clearly saw the writing on the wall as these types of sets were widely released and officially endorsed by government officials.

A reprint of the Ogden branded set was released in 1999 so collectors should be wary when purchasing.

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1938 Wills Air Raid Precautions Checklist

Base Set – 50 Cards

1Choosing Your Refuge Room
2Rendering Your Refuge Room Gas-Proof
3Making A Door Gas-Proof
4Window Protection
5Window Protection Against blast
6Types of Splinter-Proof Wall
7Protecting Your Windows – A Sandbag Defence
8Equipping Your Refuge Room
9Equipping Your Refuge Room
10A Garden Dug-Out
11A ventilated Gas Proof Shelter
12A Gas-Proof Balloon Shelter (French Type)
13Incendiary Bomb and Its Effect
14Incendiary Bomb Cooling Down
15Control of Incendiary Bomb
16Removal of Incendiary Bomb With Scoop and Hoe
17Extinction of Incendiary Bomb
18The Stirrup Hand Pump
19Two-Men Portable Manual Fire-Pump in Action
20A Chain of Buckets
21Light Trailer Fire-Pump
22Light Trailer Fire-Pump In Action
23Medium Trailer Fire-Pump
24Medium Trailer Fire-Pump in Action
25Emergency Heavy Pump Unit
26Hose-Laying Lorry
27The Civilian Respirator
28The Civilian Respirator – How to Adjust It
29The Civilian Respirator – How to Remove It
30The Civilian Duty Respirator
31The Service Respirator
32A Heavy Anti-Gas Suit
33Rubber Clothing
34Air Raid Wardens and Civilian Volunteer Dispatch-Riders
35Volunteer Mobile Corps (Owner Drivers)
36A First Aid Party
37Supply Depot for Respirators
38Mobile Gas Vans
39Civilian Anti-Gas School
40Testing for Gas Contamination
41Decontamination Workers In Training
42Air Raid Precautions Badge
43Representation of Air Defence Control Room
44Pilots Running to Machines (Interceptor Fighters) To Take Off
45Gloucester Gauntlet Interceptor Fighters
46Representation of Balloon Barrage for Defence of London
47Anti-Aircraft Searchlight
48Anti-Aircraft Sound Locator
49Height Finder
50Anti-Aircraft Gun