The 1935 Fleer Cops and Robbers trading card set featured 30 criminals and five police officers of the era. Each card contained an “evidence tag” which confirmed purchase of a specific card and when 35 were sent in to Fleer, the collector would “receive a commission as an amateur detective with our official detective badge”.
The problem with this set is that an in-tact card is nearly impossible to find as the evidence tags were removed at the perforation. Even without the evidence tag, these cards often carry a pretty steep price tag if the remaining card is in good condition.
The other issue for collectors to be aware of is that these cards were issued with a color tint over the black and white images and each card is duplicated in every tint color. There are also discrepancies with the color of card stock meaning, with variations, this 35 card set ends up with well over 300 different cards.
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1935 Fleer Cops and Robbers Checklist
Base Set – 35 Cards
ACC# – R36
1 | Ranger Colt |
2 | Rough House Hogan |
3 | Pinto Pete |
4 | Slow Motion Smith |
5 | Bunco Bertie |
6 | Shifty Sam |
7 | Benny Gray |
8 | Chief Inspector Kennedy |
9 | Bruiser Bill |
10 | Terry The Terror |
11 | Rudolph Razzberry |
12 | Dapper Dan Dugan |
13 | Cuthbert Dimwit |
14 | Bertie Bohunk |
15 | Constable Corntassel |
16 | Hijack Herbie |
17 | Stove Pipe Steve |
18 | Rube Riley |
19 | Beau-Zo |
20 | Hihat Hector |
21 | Schemer Snitch |
22 | Marshal Dangerfield |
23 | Dixie Dan |
24 | Gaston The Gorilla |
25 | Dead Eye Dick |
26 | Nosey Nertz |
27 | Nick The Necker |
28 | Big Shot Connolley |
29 | Inspector Smart |
30 | Black Hand Tony |
31 | Admiral Bilgewater |
32 | Mustapha Bath |
33 | Hong Kong Wow |
34 | Wolf Masterson |
35 | Ivan Awfulbush |